Global Application Center Logo
University Transfers
Transfer seamlessly from college to universities in the UK and Ireland
Postgraduate Courses
Enrich your education with faster and more practical masters degrees
Undergraduate Courses
Explore a World of Possibilities with UK and Ireland Undergraduate Programs!
Study Abroad
Broaden your horizons with short-term study abroad programs
University Transfers
Transfer seamlessly from college to universities in the UK and Ireland

Postgraduate Courses
Enrich your education with faster and more practical masters degrees

Undergraduate Courses
Dive into Excellence: Explore a World of Possibilities with UK and Ireland Undergraduate Programs!

Study Abroad
Broaden your horizons with short-term study abroad programs

The world is your campus

Get international experience with our study abroad programs.
What is your next adventure?

Available programs:


Undergraduate Courses

Postgraduate Courses


Want to know more?

Our Universities

Our Universities

Are you a school or a college counselor?

About Global App

We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to study abroad and experience firsthand the benefits of an international education.

That is why we, a group of UK and Irish universities, have come together to simplify the application process, making it accessible to all American students.

Through our platform and the support of our dedicated team, navigating the complexities of international education is now a seamless and personalized journey.

Any questions?

If you have any questions or need any further information, we are here to assist you.

Tuiton Fees

£38,000 per year
£11,400 per year


£800 per year
£550 per year

Living Costs

£1400 per year
£900 per year


£470 per year

Feel free to send us a message and our support team will be more than happy to help you with any inquiries you may have.

Or contact us by email: